20 Person
Septic Tank Kit
Save £500
Normally £5500
Now Only
£4498 inc vat

Building Regs Approved
Environment Agency Compliant

Easy To Install
No Concrete or Electric Required

septic tank supermarket - 100% Guaranteed Satisfaction when you buy a septic tank kit in the UK
20 Person Septic Tank Kit - The Perfect Solution for UK Homes
20 Person Septic Tank Kit - The Perfect Solution for UK Homes

Here’s What You’re Getting

1 x Heavy Duty Septic Tank

(EN12566-1 Certified)

5 x 3 Metre 110mm Pipes

(with moulded connectors)

1 x 360mm Inspection Chamber

16 x Drainage Field Crates

(free membrane)

20 Person Septic Tank Kit - The Perfect Solution for UK Homes
20 Person Septic Tank Kit - The Perfect Solution for UK Homes
20 Person Septic Tank Kit - The Perfect Solution for UK Homes
20 Person Septic Tank Kit - The Perfect Solution for UK Homes
20 Person Septic Tank Kit - The Perfect Solution for UK Homes
septic tank supermarket - 100% Guaranteed Satisfaction when you buy a septic tank kit in the UK
20 Person Septic Tank Kit - The Perfect Solution for UK Homes
20 Person Septic Tank Kit - The Perfect Solution for UK Homes

20 Person Septic Tank Kit Buried In Garden

septic Tank Supermarket - UK YouTube Channel
septic tank supermarket - 100% Guaranteed Satisfaction when you buy a septic tank kit in the UK
20 Person Septic Tank Kit - The Perfect Solution for UK Homes

Septic Tank
Size Chart

White Paper: 20 Person Septic Tank Kit for Off-Grid Wastewater Management in the UK

Executive Summary:

This paper introduces a 20 Person Septic Tank Kit, an innovative and robust solution for on-site wastewater treatment for properties in the UK with up to 20 occupants. It details the technical specifications, performance data, and environmental benefits of this complete pre-packaged system, designed for efficiency, ease of installation, and compliance with UK regulations.

1. Introduction:

Septic tanks remain a crucial tool for off-grid wastewater management in the UK, catering to residences and small businesses beyond the reach of centralised sewerage systems. This 20 Person Septic Tank Kit offers a comprehensive solution, eliminating the need for complex sourcing and engineering.

2. Kit Components:

The kit comprises various essential elements:

3. Technical Specifications:

4. Performance Data:

5. Environmental Benefits:

6. Installation and Maintenance:

7. Regulatory Compliance:

8. Conclusion:

This 20 Person Septic Tank Kit offers a reliable and convenient solution for off-grid wastewater treatment in the UK. Its innovative design, high performance, and environmental benefits make it a smart choice for homeowners and businesses seeking a sustainable and compliant wastewater management system.

Additional Information:

This white paper provides a general overview of This 20 Person Septic Tank Kit. For specific details on tank sizing, performance data variations, and installation considerations, please refer to the accompanying technical manual or contact the manufacturer directly.

Disclaimer: This white paper is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Always consult with a qualified engineer or septic tank installer to ensure compliance with local regulations and suitability for your specific site and needs.