septic Tank Supermarket - UK YouTube Channel

Septic Tank Kits UK – Easy, Affordable Off-Mains Drainage Solutions

Upgrade Your Off-Grid Sewage System with Our Septic Tank Kits UK

Tired of the hassle and expense of mains sewage? Discover our hassle-free septic tank soakaway kits, the perfect solution for properties not connected to the main sewer network. Our kits are fully compliant with UK Building Control, Environment Agency, and General Binding Rules, ensuring a smooth installation and planning permission process.

Why Choose Our Septic Tank Kits UK?

What's in the Kit?

Fast, Convenient Delivery

Enjoy free UK delivery with a typical turnaround time of approximately 7 working days. Your septic tank kit can be at your doorstep in no time!

Tailored to Your Needs

We offer septic tank soakaway kits scaled to the number of bedrooms in your property.  Whether you have a small cottage or a larger home, we've got you covered. We even provide specialized kits for glamping sites, campsites, and shepherd huts.

Ready to Make the Switch?

Transform your off-mains sewage management with our simple and effective septic tank kits. Get in touch today to learn more and find the perfect solution for your property.